Alternatives to sugar

Source: natural health mag

Barley Malt
Made from fermented grains whose starches have turned to sugars, barley malt tastes slightly like malted milk balls.


Raw Honey
Loaded with natural enzymes, vitamins, and minerals, honey comes in a variety of colors, ranging from intensely flavorful dark brown to lighter (and milder) shades of gold. Always go organic, and because raw honey contains live spores, never use it to sweeten the food of an infant or toddler without consulting a doctor first.


Brown Rice Syrup
The rich butterscotch taste of this syrup, derived from cooked brown rice, mixes well with oatmeal and other hot whole grain cereals.


From a South American herb, Stevia rebaudiana, stevia is much sweeter than sugar and has a slightly bitter licorice taste. Available in powder and liquid forms, it’s good for diabetics because of its mild effect on blood sugar levels.


A potent and highly nutritious sweetener, molasses contains all the beneficial stuff that’s stripped out of sugar cane during the refining process, including iron, manganese, zinc, copper, and chromium.


Date Sugar
This ancient sweetener made from finely ground dates offers all the fruit’s vitamins and minerals, plus the calming amino acid tryptophan.


Birch Sugar
With 40 percent fewer calories than white sugar and a low score on the glycemic index (which ranks a carbohydrate’s effect on blood sugar and insulin), this sweetener, also known as xylitol, occurs naturally in tree fiber, corn, and some fruits.


Maple Syrup
Look for organic, 100 percent pure maple syrup, which contains only the sap of maple trees-and no added corn syrup.


Agave Nectar
Sweeter than refined sugar and with a lower rating on the glycemic index, the juice of the agave cactus is a good choice for diabetics or anyone seeking to avoid a sugar rush.



Happy Women’s day.

Women's day

I guess I have to wish every woman out there a happy women’s day. Just more evidence that we are in such a minority that we still need to have a little day to make us feel special. I guess my thoughts on women’s day run along the lines of Black history month. why should it be separated from the rest of the days. Women should be appreciated daily for their accomplishments and contributions to society. It should be a no brianer. However I live in the real world and realize that strides towards gender equality still need to be made and so for the time being. Happy women’s day.


On the other hand, I read this blog about the science behind food and weight loss and I though I should share.
it’s from my Peonut  on her awesome blog

The Truth About Food.

Day 159: an Update

Been away on a bit of a break but now I am back into the full swing of this. As a result of this small break. I am totally of my game plan, I haven’t been on a run since the 23rd the longest stretch ever.

I ate everything and anything I wanted and as result I have gained about 2kgs. Now that I am back home. I need to work on a plan and get to shopping. will share soon.

The basic plan is to start on my carb cycling program and to start lifting heavy. My marathon training starts in about 3 weeks and I need to get my running back on track.


Since I have nothing better to talk about, here is a Gratuitous picture of myself (GPOY)

Day 150: Vegetarian? But how do you get protein??

Every vegetarian and vegan has gotten this question. Mostly its is from ignorance and the belief that protein can only be gotten form meat.

The simple fact is that almost every food we eat contain a little bit of protein and as a vegetarian, the challenge is only to mix the right foods to get sufficient protein.
Anyways since I will be starting the carb cycle, I will need to be seriously upping my protein. Protein is in everything we eat but there are some great boosters out there that do not have a lot of carbs in them.

Protein source for a vegetarian


–       Tofu

–       TVP

–       Tempeh

–       Eggs


Protein Sources and How Much You Are Actually Getting By the Numbers

Beans, Nuts, Seeds

1-cup garbanzo beans 14.5 grams (43g net carbs)

1 cup pinto beans 12 grams
(30g net carbs)

1 cup refried beans 15.5 grams

1 cup soybeans 28 grams
(7g net carbs)

1 oz. cashews 4.4 grams
(7g net carbs)

1 oz. peanuts 6.5 grams
 (4g net carbs)

1 oz. sesame seeds 6.5 grams
 (3g net carbs)

1 oz. pistachios 5.8 grams
 (2g net carbs)

1 cup tofu 22 grams
(2g net carbs)

1 cup lentils 18 grams (23g net carbs)




1 cup yogurt 13 grams
 (16g carbs)

1 oz cheddar cheese 7.1 grams
(0g net carbs)

1 egg 6 grams
 (0g net carbs)

1 cup cottage cheese 10 grams (3g net carbs)

Mozzarella cheese 7 grams (0g net carbs)


Fruits and Vegetables

1 avocado 10 grams
 (4g net carbs)

1 cup broccoli 5 grams
(5g net carbs)

1 cup spinach 5 grams
(2g net carbs)

1 cup peas 9 grams
 (14g net carbs)

1 medium artichoke 4 grams
 (6g net carbs)

1 cup asparagus 5 grams
(3g net carbs)

1 cup beet greens 3 grams (14g net carbs)


This List isn’t extensive at all but it shows a great way that you can get in protein without all the carbs. You just have to make calculations about what you can combine and sacrifice.

On law carb days, you can keep your meals with veg and dairy and some tofu. The beans and legumes can come in on the high carb days.




Day 129: Blog love part Deux

I have been nominated by the lovely for the VERSATILE BLOGGER award.

She has a great blog with some great recipes. Check her out.

Blog nominations are great and remind me that others are seeing my rumblings and that they relate to my words. It’s also a great way to let others know that you read their bogs and are inspired by what they do.

As a recipient of this award, there are a few rules.

Display the award certificate on your website

• Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented your award (above)

• Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers (Versatile Blogger)
- see end of my post for list)

• Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post

• Post 7 interesting things about yourself

Seven Interesting Facts About Me:

This is a tough one. I am not really sure what other people would find interesting about me because I think I am quite average.

But I’ll just state random facts about myself and you will be the judge as to weather they are interesting or not.

  • -I read. A lot. In 2011 I read about 54 books. And in 2012 I read about 73 books. I read really fast and can take about 2 days to finish a book I find really interesting, however I have been trying to read “The Brothers Karamazov” for about two years now and for some reason cannot finish it. It’s the one book I really want to read but I’m stuck about half way through. Maybe this will be my year.
  • -I scored high enough in my law school entrance exam to qualify for Mensa. I actually sent in my application and got accepted. I just haven’t gotten around to paying for my membership fee and being a fully-fledged member of the Mensa community. Then I can say I have something in common with Sharon stone.
  • I am a vegetarian. Since about April 1st 2010.  Its something I had toyed around with for a while but then decided to do it cold turkey. My last meat meal was with some friends at 4am in the morning at waffle house. (Crazy things we do in college)
  • My motto in life is “ an unexamined life is not worth living.” I always say believe nothing and question everything
  • I took a Greek mythology class and it was the final push that made me an atheist.
  • My secret dream is to become a farmer. I’m in law school now and that’s my passion but I really wanna be a farmer
  • I hope to travel through all of Europe before I turn 40.

My Nominees are:

1.Vegan food preparation

Great blog with amazing recipes and a great reassures for vegan/vegetarian books and DVDs: Paul’s mantra is you don’t have to sacrifice your taste buds to eat healthily. Check him out.

2.Pound per pound:

great inspiration and has lost a tremendous amount of weight. Over 100 pounds. Check her out for tips on how she did it.

3.A lovely project

Another weight loss blog showing how to go about this the right way.

4.Fatty countdown

She is on a journey to get healthier and blogs about her day to day struggles and triumphs

5.Low carb confidential

Low-carbing is hard but the great recipes on this blog make it a bit easier. Has great tips and ideas on how to live a low carb lifestyle.

6.Andreas garden cooking

Has some great and refreshing recipes. She is also a sustainable gardener and makes me what to have my own.

7.Nomore fat kitty

Weight-loss blog with great reipes and food ideas

8.Spin bikes and opaque tights

A health and fitness blogger and also natural hair enthusiast

9. In vegetables we trust

great vegetarian resource. The blog is about making vegetables in a tasty way J

10. Run angle run

Runner and fitness enthusiast from the UK. Follow her as she trains for running marathons

11.Pennies on the run

A blog about running and fitness. Great inspiration for other runners.

 12. Im a runner

Yes she is a runner and has a great running blog

13.Fast runner in slow motion

Blog about training for a marathon.

14. Low carb triathlete

Showing that it is possible to maintain a low carb diet and still be an active athlete. Also a resource on Ketogenic diet

15.Bucket list publications

Because we only live once and we owe it to ourselves to live it to the fullest and experience what the world has to offer.

16. Rite2run
very inspirational running blog and great support to other bloggers

That’s it for now. No one should feel obligated to accept. these take quite a bit of time to complete but Just want to let everyone know I appreciate their blogs.

Make great choices

Day 122: Last blog of 2012; Day 8 whole food detox(I cheated) and 2012 summary

Today was day 8 of my detox and it started off well. Then I had a lunch date and I ate fries. The worst possible thing that I could have eaten and I felt like shit afterwards. Not just guilty but my body felt like it had eaten junk. It was so not worth it. Hindsight is 20/20. I wont beat myself up over it. Tomorrow I pick back up again and finish of my 10 days.

I am also happy to announce that I accomplished my December running challenge. I got in 103 mi, which is three miles over my goal, and I went for a run/jog/walk all 31 days of December 2013. Happy dance.

Averaged 3 miles a day

Averaged 3 miles a day

that sho’ is a lovely picture.


Lets get the not so great news out of the way. I weighed in at 169.2. I am taking this with a grain of salt because of AF.  I will weigh-in again after the week is over.

So 2012 wasn’t a great year in terms of weight loss.
1/1/2012 I weighed in at: 186.8

12/31/12 I weighed in at: 169.2

That means I only lost 17.6 pounds, which is truly terrible.I only averaged 1.5 lb. a month, which ironically is my weekly weight loss goal.

On the brighter side, I am stronger and faster and I have also gone down a few clothes sizes. I might not have lost lbs., but I lost tons of inches. and built muscles. I haven’t had a soda all year and my drink of choice is now water. Looking forward to cooking more of my own food and sharing more with my blog peeps.


I ran a total of 907.75 miles in 2012 in a total of 230 hrs.52 minutes 43 second. I am really proud of this and I cant believe I kept it going. My goal for 2013 is to average 100 mi every month and so I hope to improve on 2012.

I cringe at april only 9.5mi.

I cringe at april only 9.5mi.

I am also just a happier person this year.


Have a great crossing of the year.


Day 121: Day 7 whole food detox and I have never made new years resolutions

I can’t believe I made it to day seven. No more headaches or cravings and I don’t think I can go back to tea/coffee in the morning. I have identified myself for so long as a coffee junkie that’s its weird even thinking about quitting. So I wont heheheh. Just keep it for when I go out with friends and have to read a huge law review.

I’m weighing in tomorrow despite TOM. Maybe it wont be so bad.


I have never made new years resolutions or if I have, I can’t remember so I must not have done anything about them. Mostly becasue I believe people don’t keep ‘em anyways so why bother?

This year I want it to be different.  I am going to write down 13 things I want to get done in 2013 and will do everything in my power to get them done.

13 in 2013


I don’t really know whether to call them goals or resolutions or what. I just want to have a target and work towards it. Maybe the reason resolutions fail is that people make them without having a plan that backs them.


I have racked my brain for what I want this coming year to be like and I think I have about


  1. Work towards finishing law school and with excellent results. This is super important to me. My undergrad was full of last minute studying and putting off schoolwork until the last minute. I made too much time for friends and not enough focus on school. Law school is a different beast. It consumes all your time and you are left with only enough time to sleep and brush your teeth. My friends will have to take a back seat for a while. This doesn’t mean that I wont keep in touch and hang out but it wont be the center of my universe as it was before.
  2. Volunteer in a community project. I think its been a while since I was politically active. In undergrad I was involved in so many things. The most fun was when I worked with hotel union workers and low wage workers who want to unionize for a better living wage. I need to find something that I can work on for the whole year. Not just volunteer once a month. I need an issue that I am passionate about.
  3.    Run 100 miles every month. This is completely doable without breaking a sweat. No matter how busy I am, I always have at least 30 minutes in the day that I can run.
  4.    Train for two marathons in 2013:  I have picked up two races that I want to focus on this year. I am definitely sure that one of them will be a full marathon but I’m still on the fence on whether the second one should be a half. The two races are 4 months apart and so I have enough time to rest and pick up another training session.
  5. Start running in the rain: I live in a place where it rains. ALWAYS. And I always use rain as an excuse for not going for a run. This year, I plan on going to a sports store and outfitting myself with “a run in the rain” running gear. I Hate envy all those of you who go out there no matter what. I want to be one of you in 2013
  6. Get to goal weight-wise: I need to get down 10-15 more kgs. I wont obsess over this but I will make sure my actions are working towards this goal.
  7.  Save up money: I have a number in mind andI will work towards it. I want to be completely independent and debt free by the time I am done with school.
  8. Vacation with my whole family: spend more time with my family and plan a vacation together. Never really done that before because of scheduling conflicts and people living in different parts of the world but its about time. I will take the initiative and even plan it.
  9. Become fit and healthy: It’s not just about weight loss but I want to change my whole body into an efficient machine. I want to run faster, I want to lift heavier and overall good eating habits. I am toying with the idea of going vegan but cant warp my head around no eggs (at one point I couldn’t warp my head around no meat but I broke through that. I sure the egg thing will pass)

10.Be a better friend: I know I just said that my friends need to take a bit of a back seat until after law school but the limited time I spend with them has to be worth it. I have a tendency to stay out of touch and not really communicate and I’m sure it will lose me friends in the future. There really is no reason why I don’t call back or email, I just procrastinate to the point where it never happens.

  1.   Be a better daughter: My mum has sacrificed a lot for me to be where I am today and I want to make sure that I openly show her how appreciative I am. I plan on doing something special for her a few times during the year.

12. Plant a garden: I always joke I want to be a farmer. I think if I wasn’t a lawyer I would be a farmer but whose to say I       cant be both. I want to start growing as much of the food I eat as I can. I definitely have the space and I just need to get down to business and get it done.

13. Maintain my blog: I love having a space where I have to be accountable to and meet new people and hear from people all around the world. My blog also makes me have to think about what I am doing and how innovative I can be. It has made me cook more, create more and be more conscious of myself.


Here is to hoping these don’t fall on the wayside in a few months.