MY Half- MArathon Recap

Yup!!! I did it all 21KMS/31.1mi

I should probably start with the obligatory apology: Sorry I have been away for eons but school has been a B.  The good news is that I have still been running and have even been averaging 100 mi a month.

I was running the Nairobi Stanchart marathon on Sunday and thought I should share it with you amazing guys.

The week before the marathon I was a mess. I was suffering from a case of the nerveees and major self-doubt.

But the morning of I was feeling a little better about myself. I got to the start at around 6:50 and was there in time for the start of the 42KM tricycle race and 21KM wheelchair race. I mean RESPECT to those guys. Can you imagine peddling one of these for 42Km or propelling a wheelchair for 21KMS?  This is the stuff that really shows us what the human spirit can do.

starting point


amputees doing the full marathon tri cycle race!! WOW


I was super excited about the start of the 42KM. I mean this is Nairobi Kenya so what are the odds that there are a few famous runners around. I did not manage to snap any but these guys are a work of art. Their bodies are something else. No ounce of fat and nothing but muscles on their legs and their strides are long and rhythmic. I could watch these guys forever.

starting point before countdown

off they went


I mean Wilson Kipsand just broke a new record last month running at 2:03:23 and if that number isn’t impressive enough for you just go out to your local track and try run a lap in 70 seconds. Then do it again 105 times. Yes!!!!!! That’s how fucking nuts it is.

Anyways I was a screaming nuut case when the elite runners set off and I knew in about 30 minutes it would be time for the 21KM guys to set off. I was pumped and full of energy.

Waiting for the start

Waiting for the start

Me an my little brother before the race

Me an my little brother before the race


There is something about the adrenaline rush you get when you are about to do something that majority of the people think is nuts.  I was really on a natural high and my fist mile was a complete breeze and so was the next 5 miles.

When I hit the 6-7 miles I was seriously hitting a bit of a struggle I made the mistake that I was afraid of the most. I STARTED TOO FAST. I mean I have read enough articles and run enough to know that that starting too fast is the worst thing one can do. I was clearing 2 minutes off my training mile time. So my last half was a complete struggle and I thought I would get a better time but I clocked in a 2:41 and I am super duper excited that I did it in less than 3 hrs.

The last mile was the longest of my life. I was seriously thinking I should get into the struggle bus. But there was no way I could live with myself I had given up so quick to the finish line.

this was me the last mile

this was me the last mile

I know now I am not ready for a FULL. I mean the last time I did a Full DNF at 30 KM. I need to seriously work on my weight loss if a full is anywhere in my future. So now I have set myself a type of deadline. If I can have lost 20KG by the time the next Stanchart marathon comes around, I will register for the full. The weight loss however is not the only condition. I need to maintain at least 120 miles a month until the said time.  but for now I will celebrate my Half- Marathon accomplishment  and enjoy my medal.

YAY medalsss :) :)

YAY medalsss 🙂 🙂

I really miss blogging on a regular basis. Im thinking about making November a blog everyday challenge just so I can get back into the grove of things. I might have to make it more journal like and not focus only on vegetarianism and running. maybe I could start gossiping about my friends :/