It’s the first of the month ergo challenge time

My goal is to defeat the demon that keeps me from finishing this 30 day challenges. I am going to really try and keep myself accountable and finish it this time. i think I should motivate myself with a little reward after. if you have any suggestions, please let me know.

I got this from the 30-Day challenge website. they have challenges for everything. check it out

I also started my Run everyday November challlenge. Im still recovering from my Half marathon so I just walked 4.5 miles this morning.

since its the first of the month I also weighed in at a saddening 181.0 lbs. This just makes me want to cry since i was doing so well last year. My goal is to get to 175  by the end of the month. I think giving myself small goals is the way to go. this was I am  not putting too much pressure on myself. Still haven’t decided wether i will be weighing in weekly or at the end of the month.

Today i have a meeting with my gym instructor. we are going to come up with a full body strength workout session that I can do 3 times a week. I also have my friday kickboxing classes that are MURDER.  So there is my fitness plan for the month. Now if I can only get my eating in check i think this month might just be killer. especially since it’s my birthday month.  which is 3 days away… :O getting older.


Day 68: November Challenge; Press Play


So I have been looking for a challenge I can do and I think I got one that is exciting and I hope will make my weight loss journey more interesting and fulfilling.

It was started by kate over at ( check her out.

So here is a little bit about what this challenge is in her own words

 Press Play is… A group of people who are all at different stages of their weightloss journeys. Some of us have just begun and others have been going for along time. Some of us have a long way to go and others of us are very close to our targets. Yet we all have one thing in common; we feel that we have been holding back, putting things off until that day when we reach our healthy target weights and we are fed up of waiting: we have decided to Press Play and start living our lives right now. Why not join us.


I think this is a great challenge and it mainly targets those who are waiting for that moment when they reach goal before they start living. We all have a 101 things to do list and are still waiting for the time when we can cross those things off the list. we also have rewards for ourselves while we get to certain goals.Why not start now? Just because we are not yet at goal doesn’t mean we can’t do new and interesting things, or go out and buy new clothes that make us feel great, or do our hair and get a mani/pedi. I think if we are going to be successful, we need to start to appreciate who we are now to finally get to who we can be in the future.

Challenge Number one is that over the next three days, we have to take at least an hour or two to ourselves and do something we enjoy. Something to pamper ourselves and relax.


For me, I’m going to get a mani/pedi. I wont go get it done professionally, but I will buy everything I need, get some nice relaxing music, and do it myself. Get some bright colors that are out of my comfort zone and do something nice for myself.


The other part of the challenge is to take the time to think about why we are taking part in the challenge and what we hope to achieve. We have to write the reason down and seal it in an envelope or email it to Kate.


Sound like something you wanna do, there is still time to join.