Why are Kenyan runners so fast……

EDIT:First off I guess I should include a disclaimer. The podcast is a bit graphic and talks about FGM and male circumcision. And it does not really answer the question as to why kenyans are fast runners

So first off I am a podcast runner. Which just means I would rather run to a podcast than to music. it just lets me zone out and not even remember that I am running. My top three faves are

  1. Radiolab
  2. Wait Wait don’t tell me
  3. Car Talk. YESSS I listen to click and clack the tappet brothers. Before you raise an eyebrow, I just want to remind you they have won a Peabody.

Anyways the whole point being Radiolab is something I listen to every time there is a new podcast. It comes out WNYC.

Last night I listened to this podcast trying to figure out why Kenyan runners have dominated long distant running. And Its not just all Kenyans, because as a Kenyan myself, I SUCK!!!! It is specific to the Kalenjin tribe who live in the Rift Valley. Well we know its not climate because I actually live in the same town as all the runners who win marathons and as I mentioned earlier I SUCK!!!

Anyways they come down to the fact that some cultural practices that reward the ability to withstand pain.  There is a point at which when your body just gives up and it is those people who can push past that whose pain threshold is higher than most than can run 4 minute miles for 26 miles.

The statistics are staggering and it’s a really interesting podcast and I would encourage all to listen. Especially those who love to run.

Here is a link to the podcast. Or you can get it on iTunes.
